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Annette Holcroft

Cat in the garden; Collage: acrylic paint, paper and tissue paper on coloured card, 29.7cms x 42.0 cms (NFS)

Annette Hocroft’s artworks represent the home comforts our pets have brought us over these past few months; somewhat naïve to the changes in our surrounding environment, they have offered their companionship, comfort, routine or company on our daily exercise, which seems as valuable now more than ever.

Niece's Retired Guide Dog; Collage: acrylic paint, paper and wax crayons on white card
42.0cms x 29.7cms (NFS)

Niece’s Retired Guide Dog (above) echoes these changes in working life - and whilst bonds with our pets may have developed stronger over this time, as we return to our new normal so will theirs – and perhaps it is this change that will be noted the most.

Full of vibrant colours, intricate textures and techniques, Holcroft’s artworks playfully merge the inside/outside spaces of our homes, and some seem reminiscent of Richard Hamilton’s rooms and pop art influences – a reference for changing times.

Kitten playing; oil on hardboard; 60.9 x 91.4cm (NFS)

About the Artist

Annette Holcroft, is a fine artist living with a spinal cord injury. She has a BA(Hons) Degree in Fine Art from The University of Brighton.

Currently based Milton Keynes where as a trustee for the MK Centre for Integrated Living (MKCIL) and has been a selection panel member for previous Milton Keynes Disability Awareness Day (MKDAD) Open Art Exhibitions. You can find out more including this year’s activities on their website:  https://mkdad.wordpress.com/  

All images courtesy of the artist  ©Copyright Annette Holcroft 2020

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Arts for Health Milton Keynes
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625  company number 05137693