Online Activities & Resources

Movement Sessions with Motus

Gentle movement exercises in relation to contemporary dance, led by the team at Motus Dance. Funded by Arts for Health Milton Keynes.

In this section:

  • Intrioduction
  • Dance Warm Up
  • Agility
  • General Movement for All
  • Fun & Funky

Before you start 
Be sure to watch the introduction video and warm up exercises. Remember to look after your body - if it does not feel good on your body, don’t do it - just modify the exercises slightly, don’t take them so far or slow it down. Work through at your own pace.

Scroll down for the following sessions: 
Agility, general movement; legs & centre; ‘fun & funky’.

About the Levels: 
Dance videos 1-6
are for increasing levels of agility, with the first being seated and the sixth for the more agile amongst us.  Videos 7 and 8 'Fun & Funky' are aimed at the young people of Milton Keynes, but are also for the more agile amongst us.

You can either try working through videos in number order, or simply pick'n'mix.


Dance Warm Up:


1) Agility 1 Level 1
Seated:  Backs - Curves, Stretches and Tilts

2) Agility 1 Level 2 

Back, Curves and Tilts

3) Agility Level 1
Twists, Torso, Back and Shoulders

4) Agility Level 3:
Shifting Twisting and Alignment

5) General Movement for All: 

6) Legs and Centre for all:

7) Level 1: Fun and Funky 

8) Level 2: Fun and Funky

︎︎︎ Enjoyed these? 

Have you tried collaborating with contemporary dance artists Laura Gibson and Effie McGuire Ward yet via their artwork in our online gallery? Find their artwork and activities here:

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Arts for Health Milton Keynes
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Milton Keynes

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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625  company number 05137693