The Art Collection

Painting | Level 2
Michael Croker

Milton Keynes General Hospital at Work 2000. A sociological observation by Michael Croker, Oil on Canvas (2002).  From the  Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, art collection.

This artwork was commissioned by the then Hospital Arts Committee to offer a snapshot and sociological record of MK Hospital at the Millenium. The brief was to capture the “daily routine of hospital life as opposed to the drama”. 

As artist in residence Croker visited the hospital, spent time with staff and people from the local community informing the work; the artwork was a year in planning and a year in the making.

Two preliminary sketches are also currently on display, created in watercolour and pencil and ink respectively, they show how the final idea incorporates the most stable of shapes - the triangle. The artwork is made up of 16 separate triangles that can be reconfigured for display, The concept reflects how everyone is somehow part of the same jigsaw puzzle.

The artwork was financed by local companies sponsoring individual panels of the paintings, we remain most grateful to them for their generosity.

Michael Croker is a Bedfordshire based artist, who has exhibited locally and nationally including as artist in residence at the Dulwich Picture Gallery in 1987. 

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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625  company number 05137693