Exhibitions and Events Archive

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Peartree Bridge Arts Projects

In the winter of 2017–18, Arts for Health Milton Keynes welcomed artists Emily Hawes, James Roseveare and Jamie Harper to explore with residents and friends the quintessential Milton Keynes vision of Peartree Bridge, a tree-lined neighbourhood which encapsulates all that is MK.

Bordering the Grand Union Canal and Ouzel Valley Park to the East, and with the V8 Marlborough Street to the West, Peartree Bridge is lent a feeling that two opportunities await anytime one steps outdoors: a countryside of fields and open spaces at on one side; with the city, underpasses and triceratops sculptures on the other.

After formative research phases for all artists in residence, with visits made to the Milton Keynes City Discovery Centres archive in the winter, followed by workshops with residents in the spring making ceramic objects; ikebaba workshops, taking walks to collect wild flowers; evenings spent designing possible futures; and charting the histories of the neighbourhoods tree life. Peartree Bridge Projects presents a variety of new artworks for a walking trail starting beside the Grand Union Canal.

The final series of art workshops with artist and arborist Jim Roseveare saw a self seeded and deceased tree ceremonially felled. With participants invited to segment the tree into its many hundreds of componentry parts.
The pieces were photographed and documented, and a limited edition print made available to participants, and new residents, please contact us for availability.

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Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes

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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625  company number 05137693