On Reflection: David H Jones
September 2021 - August 2022

Images Left to Right Blue to Blue (2019) acrylic on board; First Thing (2019) acrylic on canvas, ©David H Jones
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The energising and nourishing properties of colour is the motivation behind these richly textured paintings.
The spectral wavelength of colour reflected from surfaces has fascinated the artist since his student days. He sees painting as an almost magical process of laying down coloured pigments to reflect light energy and acknowledging how playing with this energy is simply wonderful. He’s inspired by nature's palette, with observations of colour contrasts as the seasons change.

Images Left to Right Giverny 1; Giverny 2 (2020) acrylic on canvas, ©David H Jones
This presentation includes a series of Jones’s ‘Giverny’ paintings (above) that recall a visit to Monet’s Garden some years ago (the inspiration behind Monet’s famous series of Water Lily paintings). David recalls:
“I was with group of students, and we spent time sketching the waterlily ponds. During May, whilst on a riverside walk, I was looking at reflections of trees which reminded me of the Giverny visit, and this was the inspiration for these paintings.”
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Installation views: images left to right: Orange Squash (2018) acrylic on canvas; Orange to Blue (2018) acrylic on canvas 2018; Giverny 1 (2020) acrylic on canvas, Giverny 2 (2020) acrylic on canvas; Giverny 4 (2020) acrylic on canvas , Top row: Blue to Blue Transition 2 (2019) acrylic on board ; Blue to Blue Transition 4 (2019) acrylic on board. Bottom row: Blush (2019) acrylic on board; Blue to Blue Transition 3 (2019) acrylic on board. Top: On Reflection 5 (2020) acrylic on board; On Reflection 4 (2021) acrylic on board. Top: On Reflection 9 (2021) acrylic on board; On Reflection 6 (2021) acrylic on board 40x40cm.
︎ About the Artist:
David H Jones is a painter based in Lambourn, West Berkshire with a studio overlooking the Lambourn Downs. After initially teaching arts and life drawing, David set up a studio to make larger works and returned to his earlier interest in abstraction. His artworks have been influenced by his travels, from India and North Africa to the Greek Ionian islands, observing how light and patterns transform across these landscapes.
Find out more about David’s artwork at: www.davidhjonespainter.com
︎ Sales Enquiries:
Email: exhibitions@artsforhealthmk.org.uk
Tel: 01908 996124
︎Did you know? The commission from artwork sales helps to fund exhibitions like this by emerging and established artists at Milton Keynes University Hospital; look after the Hospital’s collection of over 400 artworks and fund health and wellbeing focused arts projects around the hospital and in the local community.
The artworks in this exhibition are for sale, and all prices include frames; 25% from artwork sales goes directly to Arts for Health MK to help fund our exhibitions, workshops and look after artworks around the hospital. To enquire, please contact:
Email: exhibitions@artsforhealthmk.org.uk
Tel: 01908 996124
︎Did you know? The commission from artwork sales helps to fund exhibitions like this by emerging and established artists at Milton Keynes University Hospital; look after the Hospital’s collection of over 400 artworks and fund health and wellbeing focused arts projects around the hospital and in the local community.
All images courtesy of the artist ©David H Jones
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Milton Keynes Hospital
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Milton Keynes
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625 company number 05137693