Exhibitions and Events Archive

Naomi Kendrick 

November 2021 - October 2022


Online / MKUH Level 2: Corridor Exhibition Space between Wards 6 - 9/10 (*No General Public Access)
Please do not visit the hospital to view exhibitions and strictly adhere to current guidance.  

Naomi Kendrick’s practice uses drawing to articulate and make visible sensations, patterns of thought and feeling from the darkest times to the euphoric; particularly those that may lack a recognisable form, a name even.

“I am interested in the psychological space we occupy when we draw. Drawing is where I think, question, take breathing space, and feel. I enjoy the immediacy of drawing and what it reveals, it’s instinctiveness.”

Through the act of drawing Kendrick aims to tune in to and notice the shape of her mind as it changes in response to the ebb and flow of life. Often using techniques such as listening to music or hypnosis to evoke and draw different mental states.

Image Gallery

Please select an image to enlarge:

Images top left to right:  
  1. Untitled B&W’; Drawing Made under hypnosis 59.4 x 84.1cm
  2. 'Untitled’; watercolour and pencil on paper 26 x 18cm (NFS)
  3. ‘The Last Swim’; Drawing made under hypnosis 59.4 x 84.1cm
  4. ‘Blanketed’ pencil and pastel on paper, 36 x 28cm (NFS)
  5. ‘Medicine Day 5’ pencil and pastel on paper, 36 x 28cm
  6. Installation view

︎ About the Artist: 

Naomi Kendrick is an artist and arts facilitator based in Manchester, UK. Recently awarded People’s Choice Award for the Air Open 2021 (Air Gallery, Altrincham) and has been Artist in Residence at Salford University. Find out more about Naomi’s artwork at: http://deadrabbit-ablog.blogspot.com/

All images courtesy of the artist ©Naomi Kendrick

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Arts for Health Milton Keynes
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Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes

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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625  company number 05137693