Exhibitions and Events Archive

Willie Robb: Photography

February 2020 - February 2021


(This exhibition has now finished) Level 2: Near wards 19-20
Please do not visit the hospital to view exhibitions and strictly adhere to current guidance 

Robb’s artworks looks to create optimism, beauty and provoke thought from apparently insignificant surroundings. Often autobiographical, his artworks reflect everyday life, with the understanding that it is important for artists to reflect the times they are living in.

The exhibition includes artwork from the following series:

European Ferries:
Photographs of passenger ferries arriving at the UK coastline, physically the images -depict historical links connecting the UK - metaphorically they consider horizons and our attitude towards them. 

Images: From Zeebrugge

Der Die Das:
In 2010 the artist started carrying a compact Ricoh GR camera to document family life. Unsurprisingly images that had little or no place in the family album started cropping up. These circumstantial images reflect his stream of consciousness and, hold some resonance in those/these times.
Image: Summer Sault 2014.

Spikes:  Photograms/organic stains influenced by the escalating number of homeless people in Brighton. The artist looked at the ground and found flowers and fauna penetrating the pavement. Seemingly fragile life can grow and thrive in a hostile environment if given even a tiny amount of sunshine.  The artworks are created by pressing these organic forms into large format film.
Image: Spikes _ 14 

About the Artist: 

Willie Robb is a photographer, filmmaker, artist and educator from Perth in Scotland, now based in Lewes, South East England. He has a BA(Hons) in Photography at Brighton University and continues to create self-initiated projects using a blend of autobiographical and documentary practice. Recent projects include being associate artist for ‘Secret Self(ie) at Milton Keynes Gallery in 2019.

All images courtesy of the artist©Willie Robb

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