Previous Workshops

Image credit: Susan Erskine-Jones

Art, Nature & Wellbeing
Free creative course 

A 10-week creative course for young people
Attendance by booking / referral only

A 10-week artist led workshop series, exploring the themes of art and nature, for young people, ages 12-16 years old in the Milton Keynes area who are experiencing mild-moderate mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression or social isolation.

Each week participants will learn a new art technique, taking inspiration from, and using natural materials found in the calming surroundings of Milton Keynes Arts Centre and the grounds of Great Linford Manor Park. The activities will encourage an awareness and appreciation of natural world through creativity to support wellbeing and offer a chance to meet like-minded people.

Lead artist and printmaker Susan Erskine-Jones will introduce visiting artists throughout the series, providing opportunities for participants to get hands-on experience of making ceramics, felt-making, sculpture and photography, as well as of working with collage, printmaking, natural dyes and drawing.

Who is this course for?
The programme has been particularly designed to support young people, ages 12-16 years old in the Milton Keynes area who are experiencing mild-moderate mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression or social isolation.

About the Artist:
Susan Erskine-Jones is a painter, printmaker and art tutor with ten years’ experience in delivering mixed media workshops to students of all ages. Her interest is in overlooked objects and the common place.
Artists’ website:

11,18, 25 October
1, 8, 15, 22, 29 November
6, 13 December 2023


Wednesdays, 5-7PM

The Barn*, Milton Keynes Arts Centre, Parklands, Great Linford, MK14 5DZ.

*Please note wheelchair access is via an external ramp only

How do I book?
If you’d like to take part, or know someone who would benefit from taking part, please email details through to

Referral Forms: For self-referral please download the form below or contact

Referral form ︎︎︎

or contact us on:


︎ or 01908 996124

Places will be offered on a first come, first served basis. There are 10 places on offer.

This course is organised by Milton Keynes Arts Centre in partnership with Arts for Health MK. 


︎Looking for Activities to try at home whilst we process your referral?
Have you tried our online activities yet? There is plenty to explore from home including photography ideas, painting tips and music to listen to. Explore here

Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes

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01908 996125

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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625  company number 05137693