Exhibitions and Events Archive

Carol Ashmore

Balanced & Grounded, Mixed Media Sculpture, 20cms x 12cms

‘Anxiety is real and saps confidence. The fear and uncertainty of COVID-19 has taken its toll on those who experience anxious feelings. Yoga can help. It can foster self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem-the things that fade when anxiety bites. This sculpture represents a Yoga pose, a balance called Natarajasana- the dancer. The dancer is a strong, grounded, open, still and powerful pose. The central bead on the sculpture highlights a fiery energy centre located near the navel of the dancer. This fiery energy centre is a source of strength and power to tap into when things get tough and the lighter at the base of the sculpture is a reminder of this.’

Lockdown (2020) Mixed Media Sculpture, 20cm x 20 cm

‘During Lockdown the lock mechanism and the black tiles used in this piece were found amongst a jumble of free things outside a nearby house. The doom laden letter from Boris had dropped through every letter box, and the words "Lock down" now had sinister overtones. This artwork uses the serious words from the letter about Lockdown as a backdrop to another way of interpreting those two words - literally, a lock facing down. And in the new unsettling reality it made me smile.’

Tedium (2020) Mixed Media Sculpture; 25cms x 20cm 

‘Day after day, the same limited lockdown routine. Tedium had set in and this was a low point. It helped to type the word "Tedium" time and again. This sheet of words, a discarded gift box lid, an empty Camembert container and a handful of old wooden Bingo counters passed a bit of time on that dull day.’
[Carol Ashmore]

About the Artist

Carol Ashmore is a local artist working with across mixed media and conceptual sculpture practices.

All images courtesy of the artist  ©Copyright Carol Ashmore 2020

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Arts for Health Milton Keynes
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625  company number 05137693