Current Workshops

Creative Play: music and song

Creative Play: project

Creative Play, is an ongoing free weekly music session for mums who are feeling low, struggling with the pressures of being a mum, feeling anxious and/or easily overwhelmed. For those who have lost interest in the world around them, or who have feelings of guilt, hopelessness and self-blame.

Facilitated by a trained musician, participants will engage in a range of singing and musical activities. There will be the opportunity to learn new musical and singing skills in a caring, safe and secure environment. The space will allow participants to find connections with other mums going through similar experiences and find a new community of acceptance and understanding. Bring your baby and be part of the musical magic of group singing, learn new songs that you can sing at home.

The sessions will consist of an hour of singing and music intervention. 15 minute stagger arrival and departure time and 30 minutes to chat and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and something sweet.

The sessions will be centred around mothers but encourages mothers to bring their babies and children under 5 to come along to the sessions.


The sessions take place weekly on a Thursday, 12:30pm-2:30pm during term time.
Sessions start from Thursday 15th May.
Accepting new attendees at any point.

Sunshine’s Family Centre
Merebrook Infant School
Dulverton Drive
Milton Keynes

Tel: 01908 508566

Creative Play is funded by National Lottery Awards for All Fund

Previous Delivery
This is the second phase of the Creative Play project. Last year two 12 week programmes were delivered in Family Centres around Milton Keynes. 100% of mothers, who participated said they experienced a positive change in their mood and outlook after taking part in one of the sessions.
︎ Follow the link to read some of the other benefits experienced.

Reguarly asked Q&A

Do I need to have a formal diagnosis of PND or other perinatal mental health challenges to attend?
No you do not need a formal diagnosis. If you are feeling any of the following symptoms:
- feeling sad, low in mood or tearful much of the time
-  feeling agitated or irritable towards your partner, baby or other children
-    loss of interest in the world around you and
-    no longer enjoying things that used to give you pleasure (like you "cannot be bothered")
-    lack of energy and feeling tired all the time
-    problems concentrating and making decisions
-    loss of appetite or overeating (comfort eating)
-    negative thoughts such as feeling you are not a good enough mother,
-    feelings of guilt, hopelessness and self-blame
-    feeling anxious that something bad may happen to your baby
-    problems bonding with your baby, no sense of enjoyment in being with them

We accept referrals from health care providers as well as self referrals.

Will there be facilities for my baby?
Yes, there are changing facilities and products will be available if you require them.

How will I be supported in the sessions?
There will be 1 trained musician running the sessions there will also be an additional member of the project team in the room to support you where needed. Family Centre staff will also be on hand to help where needed.

Can health care professionals refer individuals onto the programme?
Yes, we have referral partners but will also take referrals from other care professionals.

Can I refer myself onto the programme?
Yes you can.

Do I have to attend every session?
No, if you feel you cannot attend a session that is totally fine.

Do I need to have any musical experience to attend?
No you don’t need any previous experience.

Do I have to feel extremes in order to be accepted onto the programme?
No you don’t.

Will I need to fill in lots of paper work?
No, we will be asking some questions about yourself at the beginning, middle and end of the project but this paper work will be completed with support of a member of staff.

Are the workshops free to attend?
Yes, the workshops are free as this is a funded project. The project is funded by National Lottery Awards for All Fund.

For any further questions please email

To register interest on the programme please click here to download and complete the referral form.

︎Looking for Activities to try at home whilst we process your referral?
Have you tried our online activities yet? There is plenty to explore from home including photography ideas, painting tips and music to listen to. Explore here
Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes

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01908 996125

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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625  company number 05137693