Current Temporary Exhibitions

Formation No.12 Acrylic on Canvas, 1983, Sylvia Guirey; © Courtesy of the artist, Paintings in Hospitals.

Artworks from the Paintings in Hosptials Collection.

We’re delighted to have received five new artworks on long term loan to Milton Keynes University Hospital from the collection of the national charity Paintings in Hospitals.
Artworks from renowned artists Carol Rhodes, John McNeil and Sylvia Guirey join seven other artworks from the Paintings in Hospital collection already on display across the hospital.

Location:  Various Locations Milton Keynes University Hospital

Lady Lump and Lockdown Collection 

Penny Mitchell

A collection of photography and spoken word documenting emotions during and after a cancer diagnosis. 

Cancer Centre Link Corridor, Milton Keynes University Hospital , December 2023 onwards

Sharon Paulger

A series of screen prints on cardboard and reclaimed wood. Paulger’s artworks also take account of the hospital setting in which they are displayed.

Location:   Cook-Chill, Entrance Milton Keynes University Hospital

Ocean Motion: James Grimditch

New painting on display May 2023 - Ocean Motion (2019) acrylic on canvas, depicts a scuba diver dwarfed in scale by a whale shark.

Location: Eaglestone Restaurant, Milton Keynes University Hospital 
(Long Term Loan)

Papercut Snowflakes and Mandalas 
Astrid Bärndal

Exhibition of delicate handcut mandalas, are reminiscent of delicate snowflake patterns, tinged with colour.

Location: Milton Keynes University Hospital December 2022 - May 2023

Tape Works
Jan Harrington 

This series of artworks created exclusively using tape, for exhibiting at Milton Keynes University Hospital, are a study of colour and line. The artist is known for creating large installations out of tape, mainly in a monotone colour palette, these smaller artworks proved to need a more intense use of colour as the basis of each piece. 

Location: Online / Milton Keynes University HospitalJune 2021 - 2022

Gabrielle Radiguet

‘Paintings celebrating the awe and wonder of the English landscape.’

Location: Milton Keynes University Hospital. 
(Long Term Loan)


︎ Sales Enquiries:

Did you know? Many of the Artworks in our temporary exhibitions are for sale; at least 25% from artwork sales goes directly to Arts for Health MK and helps to fund exhibitions by emerging and established artists at Milton Keynes University Hospital; look after the Hospital’s collection and fund health and wellbeing focused arts projects in the local community. To enquire, please contact:

Tel:          01908 996125

Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes

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01908 996125

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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625  company number 05137693