Evelyn Mills

In the Beginning (2020) mixed media on paper, 29.7 x 42cm (NFS)
‘This Covid painting started as a sketch in the beginning of all this madness, the beginning, it just took one lost life and now is claiming so many. The field of emptiness, lockdown and no one out there.‘

A View from my Window (2020) mixed
media on paper, 29.7 x 42cm (NFS)
‘This is a picture of my garden, a space where I can sit and contemplate and take time out.’

Stones (2020) mixed media on paper, 29.7 x
42cm (NFS)
‘The stones are remembrance. Remembrance of holidays in Cromer on the beach, where the stones are the same as the ones in my garden.’ [Evelyn Mills]
About the Artist
Evelyn Mills is an artist living in Milton Keynes and is a member of the Headway Milton Keynes art group. The group usually meet for weekly art sessions at the Headway offices, with support from local inclusive artist Sophie Bennett. During lockdown the group have instead been meeting through an online community, creating artwork together, responding to set themes and projects, sharing their creations and providing valuable interaction and support for one another.
Headway is a national charity supporting adults with acquired brain injuries and their families.
All images courtesy of the artist ©Copyright Evelyn Mills 2020
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625 company number 05137693