Marlene Maybury

Pug Life (2020) watercolour on paper, 29.7 x 44cm (A3) Framed
During lockdown artist Marlene Maybury began setting art challenges for the Breast Cancer support group called Breast Friends Northamptonshire; to help to ease the anxiety of members, as well as her own. All of these paintings have been created during this time.
“This gesture has evolved and I am now giving up to 20 members of the support group free weekly art sessions/lessons online via zoom, it has become very popular and members are enjoying it and seeing what we do each week. “ [Marlene Maybury]

Tranquil(2020) Watercolour on paper, 29.7 x 44cm (A3) Framed
With two young children to home-school, the youngest with autism, the artist also acknowledges further the benefits of painting on wellbeing, during lockdown saying;
‘When I am creating, I feel better, I feel good I am focusing on my art and nothing else.’

Mr Brillo (2020) Watercolour on paper, 29.7 x 44cm (A3) Framed
The artist often uses leaf prints within her artworks to give the impression of texture, accentuate nature and to bring the character of animal subjects to life. If you look closely, Mr Brillo (above) and Tranquil (above centre) use this method of painting, for example around the spikes on the hedgehog.
About the Artist
Maybury began to paint in watercolour in 2018, one month after being diagnosed with Breast Cancer and says ‘Painting has really helped me and kept me going through the most challenging of times. I also have Lymphoedema as a result of surgery and painting helps to take my mind off this too. Throughout my treatment I began to paint fairly regularly and still continue to do this.’
All images courtesy of the artist ©Copyright Marleyne Maybury 2020
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625 company number 05137693