Naomi Lutman

(Left) Resting Mayfly (2020) digital photograph (Framed 35.5 x 35.5 cm - SOLD)
(Right) SteppingStones (2020) digital photograph (NFS)
‘Discovering things that were always there, but previously I had walked past without noticing. The chance to walk across the lake, whilst keeping your feet dry –what a joy! ‘
At first, I found the lockdown strange and unsettling. At the same time, I've been reminded of the simple joy of walking in our local area, surrounded by nature and its wild inhabitants. My family and I have spent some of our best moments walking along public footpaths, using only an ordnance survey map to guide our way. Along these paths, we have discovered wonderful landscapes that stretch out for miles, lush fields of crops, clusters of woodland, rickety bridges and stiles; and meandering rivers.
I have captured close-up photographs of mini-beasts. Several familiar creatures hiding in the long grasses and hedges, and some we’ve never seen before. I've paddled barefoot in rivers, been caught in a shower, stomped in a cow pat, been lost and found my way again - all in a day's adventure!
Many of my images are taken ‘raw’, without filters or colour enhancements, just as nature intended.”
Naomi Lutman
Beauty and the Mini Beasts (2020), painting on canvas (NFS)
“The beauty of nature and the chaos caused to our world by the coronavirus pandemic, is the inspiration for this first piece of artwork in my new collection.
Let me ask; can you spot flower petals, butterflies and other tiny creatures in this painting?
This piece represents our world’s intricate essence; encompassing all its beauty and the synchronicity of nature’s life cycles, of which the human race are an intrinsic part.
It is a fact of nature that both our internal and external worlds are in constant change, transformation is all around us. Caterpillars turn in to butterflies, tadpoles turn into frogs...we often take these small creatures for granted.
As humans, being able to adapt to change, let go of the things we cannot control and be grateful for the abundance all around us; then I believe we find the path to inner peace, joy and contentment.
Art enables me to stay in the present moment and dispel my worries. I lay out my paints; turn on some music and enjoy really losing myself in the work and focusing on the creative process.” [Naomi Lutman]
Naomi Lutman is an artist living and working in Milton Keynes. She graduated from Blackpool & The Fylde College in the year 2000 with a BA(Hons) degree in graphic design. Naomi followed a corporate career, before taking the decision to return to the countryside and rediscover her love of art. Naomi has been exhibiting her work in and around Buckinghamshire since 2014. To follow her creative journey please visit
All images courtesy of the artist ©Copyright Naomi Lutman 2020
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625 company number 05137693