Felicity Williams
Time, watercolour and ink on paper, 15 x 21cm
May 2020 (NFS)
May 2020 (NFS)
“I have started drawing within circles like this in an attempt to capture snippets of my mood. To start, I try to empty my mind of everything and just notice feelings in my body. I use these feelings and sensations to guide my initial design. The process eventually becomes a little more conscious but the initial marks seem to reflect something of my internal world. This one [Time, above] is a reflection of the monotony of weeks during lock-down, with no days out, family gatherings, or other events to look forward to, as well as thoughts about life and death that are impossible to escape from right now.” [Felicity Williams]
Self-doubt, watercolour and ink on paper,
15 x 21cm, March 2020 (NFS)
“I have always struggled with feelings of insecurity and self-doubt and put huge amounts of pressure on myself to perform perfectly. I have felt this significantly during the pandemic as I've wanted to step up for my colleagues. For this work, I paid attention to feelings within my body that occur when I am feeling anxious and doubting my abilities; in particular, a feeling of hollowness through my body and head and a general sense of helplessness that suggests I should give up. This work was inspired by the process of Focus-Oriented Therapy and finding the 'felt sense' in a situation.” [Felicity Williams]
About the Artist
Felicity currently works for the NHS in Milton Keynes. She enjoys creating art to relax in her spare time, as well as to express feelings that are difficult to articulate in any other way - a process inspired by her experience of the 'Focusing' technique developed by Eugene Gendlin.
All Images ©Copyright Felicity Williams 2020
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625 company number 05137693