HEADSTART Music (ages 13 – 17)
March 2024:
An 11 week Headstart Music course led by professional music tutor Josh Fowley, hosted at our new venue, Brooklands Pavilion.
The group focussed primarily on musical creativity in the form of song writing. The young people contributed by creating lyrics, melodies, rhythms and chord sequences. There were opportunities for participants to share original ideas that were brought to life in the group setting.
We used drums as an initial point for group improvisation and performance; then we gave structure to our performances for a potential showcase at the end of the course. We also listened to familiar songs and played along with them. We aimed to collaborate then create and record a track everyone can take home. We had a small studio set up where we could record and edit sounds.
The transformation in the young people during the course was nothing short of amazing. At the start of the course, one particular participant was reluctant to take part. Tutor Josh Fowley comments that at first “T arrived and was very much in a shell. He did not engage in the initial discussions and was participating minimally in the musical games. During the first few sessions I was not expecting him to continue on the course as I struggled to engage him in anything.”
“However, he did come back and never missed a session. He gained confidence through playing the djembe and the drum kit during the group performance. From there, he found his feet and participated enthusiastically in all that we did. His happiest moments were playing drums to his favourite song ‘Highway to Hell’ with the group. As we worked on the track he was giving his opinions and helping other musicians out with certain sections that he knew well.”
“During the music production lessons he was attentive and asked questions regarding the musical effects we were using. During the question period he was enthusiastic to answer.
During the course he:
- played drums
- sung lead vocals in the group performance (which he vowed he would never do)
- contributed lyrics during the song writing
- recorded vocals and drums in the studio
- recorded a melody using the studios midi keyboard.”
︎ Watch a short recorded performance by the young people of ‘Sky Full of Stars’ by Coldplay:
︎Listen to a recording of ‘Spirit of the Dark’ written and performed by young people on the course.
︎Listen to a recording of ‘Ollie Original’ written and performed by young people on the course.
(ages 13 – 17)
April 2023:
These sessions were informal, small group, popular music making workshops for young people led by professional musician Robin Phillips and hosted by the MK Music Hub.
Participants were already engaged with the Music Hub prior to this project beginning. Feedback from these sessions has helped us to shape the plan for the first ‘proper’ HEADSTART Music sessions that started in April 2023.
Development of regular attendees – E, C, A and T:
E – From a disturbing start after returning to the Hub from a Mental Health inpatient stay, E really grew into the group as the sessions went on. Becoming more social, confident, and proactive with music suggestions. And more smiles. Always engages and contributes musically.
C – Socially confident, especially with the other young ladies. Contributed musically and engaged in every session. Managed to deal with her challenges, especially maintaining focus, in a positive way.
A – Nervous for first few weeks, especially at the beginning of every session. Made some meaningful contribution on guitar - surprised herself as she didn’t believe her ADHD would allow this. Some behavioural issues associated with her challenges. Largely negated as term progressed with her good work plus me developing strategies and recognising early signs. Integrated well socially with the other young ladies. Started singing with the group later in the term – sounding great and bringing in a new dimension – showing a growing confidence. Since A has been singing, we have moved away from creating our own pieces of music to creating our own versions of songs. It’s a positive development that’s brought more focus to the sessions and the opportunity for the group to share the music they like listening to.
T – Consistently engages and contributes musically. Occasionally disruptive - mostly very constructive and always quick to offer help. Towards the end of term they started to meditate before joining in musically and then playing beautifully.
Have you tried our online activities yet? There is plenty to explore from home including photography ideas, painting tips and music to listen to. Explore here
The Headstart project is funded by the Big Lottery Community Fund.

Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625 company number 05137693