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Barred (2020) mixed media collage, 23 x 15cm (NFS)
Trevor Jeavons’ practice has its roots in art therapy, the process aims to be spontaneously expressive without planning, he says: “If I view the finished work and it has no strong feelings, I reject it.” This process allows work to develop organically, in response to our rapidly changing environment.
“ Barred [above] Although I reject storytelling and “labelling” symbols in my expressions, here they force themselves in as I cut and tear the card and newspaper. This is a troubled picture but I was not thinking that it would be. It is clearly linked to how I was feeling during ‘Lockdown’.”

Red Think (2020) mixed media collage, 26 x 18cm (NFS)
“This image was not intended to connect with the pandemic but I guess it does, reflecting my thinking at the time, even though I detect optimism in the lines and colours.”

Apart and Together (2020) mixed media collage, 16 x 12 cm (NFS)
“In this later work I was more specifically focusing on the feeling of the daily strangeness of the ‘Lockdown’ - a tightening up!”
[Trevor Jeavons]
About the Artist
Trevor Jeavons is a mature and experienced Painter, Art Therapist, Author and Jazz Musician. As a young artist he exhibited in London Galleries alongside Hockney, Blake and Jones. His work includes Headships in Special Education and years as Senior Art Therapist (now retired) at MK Hospital which has brought him many invitations to work at home and abroad and to meet various members of the royal family including Prince Philip, Princess Margaret, lunch with the Queen and more recently invited to meet Prince William at the MK Rose as one of the acknowledged ‘Founders of Milton Keynes’.
All images courtesy of the artist ©Copyright Trevor Jeavons 2020
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625 company number 05137693