Exhibitions and Events Archive

Katrina Norton

giz a smile, reused textiles, 30 x 12 cm, April 2020

“My mum and I have been making PPE for essential workers using fabric we have around the house. Reusing textiles in this way whilst we have limited access to materials has caused me to think more creatively about how I can produce art. I had never attempted embroidery before but I found some old thread of my grandma’s and decided to turn my own face mask into an artwork. I was pleased to find the slow process of using this medium to be a good mindfulness practice, allowing me to focus on the repetitive stitching and creating a sense of calm and stillness.

I wanted the mouth to symbolise the importance of communication during this time of social distancing. Many of us have found lockdown challenging from a mental health perspective, whether it’s experiencing depressive episodes due to the repetition and boredom of being stuck at home, or heightened anxiety at the uncertain state of the world. It is important to keep talking to each other about these issues and expressing ourselves, even if it’s just by acknowledging that we’re struggling.“[Katrina Norton] 

About the Artist

Katrina studies English and History of Art at the University of Birmingham and is spending lockdown in her home town of Milton Keynes. She enjoys creating art as a way of practising mindfulness and processing her mental health difficulties.

All images courtesy of the artist ©Copyright
 Katrina Norton 2020

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