Exhibitions and Events Archive

Ann Crearie


Images L-R:  From Dinosaurs to Citroen 2CV (2018) Ink on Card, 40cm x 40cm; Radius (2016) Ink on Hahnemühle Paper, 6’ x 6’; Fungi In Mind (2019) Ink on Card; 40cm x 40cm

Detailed contemporary Mandalas, are created using ink drawing as the primary media. They feature contemporary motifs within the designs, from cars to dinosaurs hidden amongst nature and more traditional patterns.  

Ann finds drawing them is a very meditative practice, with one emerging renewed and creative; a process which the artist shares with others in her outreach work.  

The artist describes the use of circles within her practice as

“a way to delve into my subconscious mind -drawing inside circles allows focus and experimentation and is extremely therapeutic”.

In addition to drawing on paper Ann has extended her intricate patterns onto furniture and ceramics.

Images L-R: Radius, found objects, table and ceramics (2016); Healing Art Workshops at St Cross Hospital; (2017)

About the Artist

While visiting a friend in Northern Ireland in the summer of 2013, Ann began work on a series of Mandalas. Interested in the history and psychology behind the process of making Mandalas. Her practice is also inspired by the interesting architecture and nature around the areas where she lives and works. Other influences in include the Art Nouveau style; the philosophy of which states that art should be a way of life.



All images courtesy of the artist ©Copyright Ann Crearie 

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Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
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Milton Keynes

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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625  company number 05137693