Arts for Health MK: Twenty for Twenty

Our 20th Anniversary  🥳

This year we are delighted to mark the 20th anniversary of Arts for Health MK (AfHMK) becoming an independent charity in May 2004.  AfHMK emerged from the hugely successful work of the voluntary Arts Committee at Milton Keynes Hospital who had the vision to develop an art collection when the hospital first opened in 1984. The Collection, which now numbers over 400 works, is the largest permanent art collection in Milton Keynes.  Today our activity extends way beyond simple care and display of The Collection and related temporary exhibitions; we organise art events for staff, manage the inner courtyard spaces, and have even published Feel Good Foods, a collection of 35 recipes gathered from MKUH patients, staff and visitors! But primarily we use The Collection as our inspiration, to commission professional arts practitioners to deliver a wide range of creative workshops each year to improve the health and wellbeing of people in and around Milton Keynes.

What is Twenty for Twenty?

Twenty for Twenty is a web-based project intending to spread awareness of our charity and shine a spotlight on The Collection during our anniversary year.  For the project we have invited twenty people from different walks of life to select a work from The Collection and to tell us about its personal significance, interest or appeal to them.  Via a simple set question format we hope to capture and share a snapshot of the value and impact of The Collection to a range of people – from hospital staff, patients and visitors to wider community members. We will alert you to each new post via our social media and we look forward to seeing the contributions as they come in!

Share your Thoughts

Perhaps these invited posts will inspire you to tell us about your own memories or experiences of seeing art in MK Hospital?  If so, then we’d love to hear from you.  Please email us at with ‘20for20’ as the subject line. Your feedback would be most welcome. 
Thank you.

Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes

Privacy Policy
01908 996124

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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625  company number 05137693