About Us

Volunteer with us

We have a number of volunteer opportunities to work with us both at the hospital where our offices are based, and also at our arts workshops in the community.

We have all sorts of Volunteers:
  • People who’ve been participants on our courses and want to support others through what they have experienced
  • Students (aged 17 years up)
  • Those who are now retired
  • People with mild learning disabilities
  • People wanting to get back into work
  • Those who want to make friends and gain in confidence
  • And many, many more!

Brief descriptions of the volunteer opportunities we have available at this time:

︎ Call for Creative Courtyard Volunteers

Arts for Health MK are looking to expand their pool of volunteers to help look after some of the green spaces at Milton Keynes University Hospital.

Volunteering sessions are great way to meet other like-minded people, who enjoy the wellness benefits of the great outdoors. We just know you will go away with a sense of accomplishment that you have helped keep the Creative Courtyards looking their best for patients, staff and visitors. Read the full details of this opportunity on our blog article here or download and share the flyer below.

︎︎︎ Courtyard Volunteers Information Download 

Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities:

︎ Volunteer Associate Artist

3 course types available to support on:

  1. Arts on Prescription – Our twelve week art programme for adults. Volunteers assist the artist in preparing, running and clearing up arts sessions, collecting feedback and being supportive to participants. These sessions are led by a professional astist and run during the daytime. 

  2. Art Groups – Participants can spend some time creating art in a safe and friendly environment. Volunteers help with setting up materials, making refreshments, talking with participants about their art/ techniques and tidying away after the session. 
    We have two drop-in Art Groups to choose from:
    ︎ Wolverton on a Monday afternoon (2pm - 4pm) at The Old Bath House, Wolverton.
    ︎ Conniburrow on a Saturday morning (10am - 12pm) at the Conniburrow Community Hub Annex. 

  3. Headstart Art - Our twelve week art programme for young people.  Volunteers assist the artist in preparing, running and clearing up arts sessions, collecting feedback and being supportive to participants. Led by a professional artist the weekly sessions are welcoming and friendly, allowing space to explore different art mediums and materials. Sessions take place after school hours / in the holidays.

︎ Volunteer Exhibitions & Collections Assistant
An opportunity to gain experience in the day-to-day role of a exhibitions and collections team at a hospital. This opportunity can be tailored to interests, duties can include experience helping to curate and install a temporary exhibition or helping to document and care for the permanent collections. Support with events as and when projects arise.

Apply here
For further information about volunteering and to apply, please get in touch:

01908 996124

Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes

Privacy Policy
01908 996125


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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625  company number 05137693