About Us

What we do

What We Do

Arts for Health Milton Keynes uses arts and creativity to improve health and well-being.

Watch a short Introduction to Arts for Health MK below:

We deliver innovative and inclusive arts activities, events and exhibitions in health care and community settings.

We are based at Milton Keynes University Hospital where we care for the art collection, organise an annual programme of temporary exhibitions, events for staff, and manage the Creative Courtyards.

Arts for Health grew out of the voluntary Hospital Arts Committee who had the vision to develop an art collection at the hospital when it first opened in 1984. The Collection currently has around 400 artworks and is the largest permanent collection in Milton Keynes.

In the wider community we deliver a series of art workshops for many different groups of people facing health challenges, including people with dementia and young people going through a difficult time.

Our longest running programme is Arts on Prescription, which offers free 12 week art courses for adults with mental and physical health issues. Since the start of the Arts on Prescription programme, over 300 people have participated and evaluation of the programme shows that participants report improvements to their health and wellbeing through taking part.

Find out more about our workshops, including arts on prescription here:

Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes

Privacy Policy
01908 996125


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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625  company number 05137693