Arts for Health Milton Keynes deliver a range of arts based workshops / activites to support health and wellbeing needs across our community.
You can find information on the programmes we currently offer and how to get involved below.
Current Workshop Programmes:
Creative Play
Creative Play: Music and Song project was two 12 weekly music sessions for mothers who were experiencing early/moderate symptoms of post natal depression. Over the 12 sessions a team of trained musicians supported participants to engage in singing and musical activities.
Arts on Prescription
Arts on Prescription is a 12 week programme of arts activities for adults with mental health issues such as depression, stress and anxiety. Activities include: drawing, painting, print-making and simple sculpture. The following programmes are currently available:
AoP Art: Activities include drawing and painting, print-making and simple sculpture.
AoP Dance & Movement: Gentle movement sessions bringing release for both body and mind to an uplifting playlist.
Find out more about the courses here.
HEADSTART is an Arts on Prescription programme that offers young people access to high quality multiple arts workshops in a low stress, supportive environment. The following programmes are currently available:
HEADSTART Art (ages 8-12) & (13-17)
Activities include: drawing, painting, print-making and sculpture.
HEADSTART Drama (ages 8-12) & (13-17)
Activities include: composing and creating, performance skills and creative writing.
HEADSTART Music (ages 8 -12) & (13 - 17)
We will focus primarily on musical creativity in the form of songwriting. Attendees will be able to contribute by creating lyrics, melodies, rhythms and chord sequences.
Find out more about all of our HEADSTART programmes here.
Please note our Arts for Health programmes change from
time to time as we strive to respond to needs.
Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes
Privacy Policy
Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes
Privacy Policy

Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625 company number 05137693