A Female Focus: Behind the Lens
MK Photography Divas
Dates: 26th August 2021 - 4th January 2022
Location: Online only
We are a group of women photographers, MK Photography Divas, who came together through our attendance at a series of creative photography courses run by Milton Keynes Arts Centre in Great Linford. We decided to continue practising our art by meeting monthly to improve our skills and creativity further by learning from each other, with occasional support from an invited expert.
During lockdown we have continued to share our work by meeting on Zoom, which has proved an excellent medium for viewing and critiquing our photos but lacks the atmosphere of meeting in person.
We have created this online exhibition with Arts for Health MK to share our art more widely and to support the charity and Milton Keynes Hospital by raising funds from the sale of our work. The images displayed in this exhibition cover five themes: Landscapes and Seascapes; Nature; Abstracts; Weather and Seasons; and Local Urban Scenes.
We hope you enjoy looking at our photos, if you wish to purchase a print please see the sales information below.
Exhibition Menu:

︎ Landscapes & Seascapes
︎ Nature
︎ Abstracts
︎ Weather and Seasons
︎ Local Urban Scenes
︎ Discover more photographs by Divas Photography on Instagram ︎ @mk_photography_divas_
︎ Sales Enquiries:
Unframed high quality prints of the artworks in this exhibition are for available for sale, prices on application.
Email: exhibitions@artsforhealthmk.org.uk
Tel: 01908 996125
25% from print sales goes directly to Arts for Health Milton Keynes. This helps to fund exhibitions of emerging and established artists at Milton Keynes University Hospital and look after their collection of over 400 artworks. It also helps fund health and wellbeing focused arts projects around the hospital and in the local community.
Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes
Privacy Policy
Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes
Privacy Policy

Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625 company number 05137693