Exhibitions and Events Archive

Art Bubble Archive

COVID-19 Responsive Artworks 

Created by Art Bubble Workshop Participants August-December 2022

[Weeks 3-4]

Collaborative Drawing

The following artworks were made collaboratively by workshop participants.

︎ Conversations around our experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic were broken down into smaller manageable components, individually illustrated, before re-joining the narrative as a group and deciding on image placement to retell their combined experiences.

Ink pen was chosen as the medium to remove the pressure on drawing a perfect image. The slightly naive appearance of the images made it easier visually to articulate such emotive themes, and we often unexpectedly found humour and a smile in unexpected places, we find some comfort in this too...”

Am I... vs. I Am...

 (Above) Am I..vs. I Am, Art Bubble workshop participants collaboration, ink pen collage on paper (September 2022)


(Above) Hype,  Art Bubble workshop participants collaboration, ink pen collage on paper (September 2022)


(Above) Busy, Art Bubble workshop participants collaboration, ink pen collage on paper (August 2022)


(Above) Grief, Art Bubble workshop participants collaboration, ink pen collage on paper (August 2022)

 This project was kindly funded by Milton Keynes Council: Covid Team © All images courtesy of the artist and participants.

Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes

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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625  company number 05137693