Exhibitions and Events Archive

Art Bubble Archive

COVID-19 Responsive Artworks 

Created by Art Bubble Workshop Participants August-December 2022

Image: Series 4, Art Bubble Participants’ sketchbook, coffee on paper (December 2022)



“Each series started with a cup of ‘tea’ – or mug, and more often coffee to be precise! Participants brought along a mug that they held dear or had used regularly since the pandemic began. These personal objects formed the starting point for exploratory drawings and conversation. Everyone’s chosen mug has a story, be it a warm hug of comfort, a loving gift, or Monday motivation.

Sketchbooks and conversation flowed with thoughts and experimental techniques – negative shape paintings prevailed. The empty spaces hold stories tight, full of meaning and expanse, without such vulnerability to strangers, we just met.”


Find a mug that means something to you. Create a series of 2-minute observational drawing studies of your mug to warm up e.g. drawing with your non-dominant hand or with a continuous line.

To create a negative space painting focus on painting the negative spaces around the mug (the background, and gap between the handle and cup) leaving the centre absent. You could even try using tea or coffee granules instead of paint

 This project was kindly funded by Milton Keynes Council: Covid Team © All images courtesy of the artist and participants.

Arts for Health Milton Keynes
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Milton Keynes Hospital
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Milton Keynes

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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625  company number 05137693