[Week 2 continued]
Photomontage - Found Image Collages
“Next, we expanded our collages to use found images using a photomontage technique. Elements were ︎cut and stuck from recycled magazines, newspapers, and print. Layered and juxtaposed to tell personal narratives. Building on our paper-cut conversations recuring themes of ‘guilt’, ‘inside/outside’ and ‘time’ dominated.
(Above) Santuary. Naomi, mixed media, and found imagery collage on paper (December 2022).
As the participants compared the visual and narrative differences between imaginative cut-outs and found image collages it was noted that the latter were more instinctive to make. Whilst, the process felt instinctive and mindful, even bringing the occasional sense of excitement on finding the missing piece of the ‘jigsaw’;
The results themselves felt raw, honest and vulnerable.
As a result, the selection shared is on this page much smaller.

Creative Block, Ian Shephard,
Mixed media, collage and found imagery on paper
(December 2022)
(Above) Sacturary/Creative Block, Emma, mixed media and found imagery, Collage on Paper (August-November 2022)

Guilty, Workshop Participant, Mixed media, collage and found imagery on newsprint (August 2022)

Inside/Outside, Sue House, mixed media and found imagery collage on paper (September, 2022)

Guilty. Andrez, Mixed Media and found imagery collage on paper (August, 2022)

(Above) Restrictions on our Time. John Stevens. found imagery collage on paper (September 2022)
This project was kindly funded by Milton Keynes Council: Covid Team
© All images courtesy of the
artist and participants.
Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes
Privacy Policy
Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes
Privacy Policy

Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625 company number 05137693