About Us

What we do

What We Do

Arts for Health Milton Keynes uses arts and creativity to improve health and well-being.

Watch a short Introduction to Arts for Health MK below:

We deliver innovative and inclusive arts activities, events and exhibitions in health care and community settings.

We are based at Milton Keynes University Hospital where we care for the art collection, organise an annual programme of temporary exhibitions, events for staff, and manage the Creative Courtyards.

Arts for Health grew out of the voluntary Hospital Arts Committee who had the vision to develop an art collection at the hospital when it first opened in 1984. The Collection currently has around 400 artworks and is the largest permanent collection in Milton Keynes.

In the wider community we deliver a series of art workshops for many different groups of people facing health challenges, including people with dementia and young people going through a difficult time.

Our longest running programme is Arts on Prescription, which offers free 12 week art courses for adults with mental and physical health issues. Since the start of the Arts on Prescription programme, over 300 people have participated and evaluation of the programme shows that participants report improvements to their health and wellbeing through taking part.

Find out more about our workshops, including arts on prescription here:


Our trustees are a group of volunteers who have overall control of the charity and are responsible for making sure it’s doing what it was set up to do. You can read more about the role of trustees on the Gov.uk website.

If you would like to contact a member of the board please email us on info@artsforhealthmk.org.uk and we will direct you to the right person.

Chris Kubiak (Chair)
Omatayo Kufeji (Deputy Chair)

Anjana Singh
Simon Lloyd

Heather Chandler
Linda Bartram

Kate Jarman
Tanya Coles

Joanne Turner

Why not join our Board of Trustees?

We are looking for Trustees from the Arts and Culture sector to join the board. We are particularly interested in hearing from professional artists, musicians, writers, and other creatives who may be currently working or retired, who might like to get involved, particularly artists from diverse communities. 

The commitment would be four meetings a year plus an AGM (usually immediately after the November meeting) There would also be an expectation that you would be willing to advocate and support the Charity in whatever way worked for you in between the meetings, and Trustees have various levels of personal involvement depending on their skills.

As you would expect, the Board tend to focus on big picture topics - fundraising, financial health, strategy and outcomes - not so much the operations of front line delivery.

How to apply?
Please find below our Trustee Recruitment pack which is available to download.

Download Trustee Role Description.doc here


Ben Heyworth

“My name is Ben Heyworth and I am the  Director for Arts for Health Milton Keynes. I’m delighted to work with a small, dedicated team, and a well respected organisation working across Milton Keynes’ arts and culture sector, bringing all kinds of creativity and artistic practice to diverse communities and promoting better health and wellbeing. My background is in the arts and I also have twenty years of experience working in a senior role in the NHS, as well as being a lecturer at the University of Manchester specialising in Cancer, Personalised Care, and LGBT. Arts for Health MK will continue to work closely with Milton Keynes University Hospital, curating the substantial art collection and developing creative outdoor spaces, as well as a post-pandemic relaunch of our Arts On Prescription offer, and establishing a new programme around diversity and inclusion called the Inclusive Arts Programme. As always, we are interested to hear from anybody who might have a project idea or wish to work with us on a collaborative basis.”               

Emma Barford
Collection and Exhibitions Manager (Part-time)

Naomi Lutman
Programmes Administrator (Part-time)

Robin Clements
Creative Courtyards Supervisor (Part-time)

Georgia Tillery Randak
Creative Play Project Manager (Part-time)

To contact a member of staff please email info@artsforhealthmk.org.uk with the person you wish to contact.

Our Regular Artists:
We are privileged to work with a number of professional artists and workshop leaders. Currently those include:

Anne-Marie Abbate; Emma Barford; Shauna Boland-Rhodes; Ciara Callaghan; Katie Ellen-Fields; Susan Erskine-Jones, Sophia Ghory; Sarah Hunt; Josh Fowley (Headstart music); Gabrielle Rodiguet; Georgia Tillery Randak (Headstart drama) and Sarah Watts.


We are hugely thankful to all our funders past and present, that have helped us to develop and deliver our programmes.


At Arts for Health Milton Keynes we are an equal opportunities employer and welcome applications from all suitably qualified persons regardless of their race, sex, disability, religion/belief, sexual orientation or age.

Volunteer with us

Work with us

Are you an artist or collective interested in displaying your artworks in a health care environment?

We accept speculative proposals for temporary exhibitions throughout the year which are reviewed on a 6 monthly basis or sooner, depending on demand. We have a variety of exhibition spaces available including in waiting areas and corridor-based displays. Contact exhibitions@artsforhealthmk.org.uk for more information.

Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes

Privacy Policy
01908 996125


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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625  company number 05137693