Drumming circle workshop with music making
06/12/2022This autumn we sourced, purchased and delivered a piano, drums and percussion to the Campbell Centre, MKUH, an acute, inpatient mental health unit for working age adults. The centre provides a range of therapeutic treatments and activities for those needing hospital admission when suffering a mental health problem.
In November our Director, Ben Heyworth, and Chair, Katharine Sorensen, were privileged to see the beneficial effects of the instruments supplied when they were used for the first time at an Arts for Health MK funded Drumming Circle and music making session, led by a professional drummer.
It was a very successful group lasting almost two hours, with participants enjoying the freedom to express themselves through sound, whether by banging a drum, strumming a guitar, playing percussion or singing.

︎ Watch our video clip of the group drumming:
Here is some feedback about one young male participant in the group:
“[Client X] attended the group yesterday for two hours. He played a drum, a guitar and sang, participating fully and leading the group. He encouraged others, came up with ideas and showed himself to be quite the musician. He was extremely enthusiastic and about the need for this group to continue at the Campbell Centre, saying that if it was a question of funding he had £10 he would be happy to put towards it. He said that he previously thought that being sectioned was the worst thing that ever happened to him, but now realises, it is the best thing, as he has had one of the best experiences of his life making music together. He said that initially he just wanted his sister to learn to play the drum and was only coming to get some skills to teach her.”
As the group was such a success, we will be exploring ways to fund further similar sessions in the near future. We thank CNWL for their funding of the instruments for the group.
If you would like to help us continue such work, please consider visiting this page to make a donation. Thank you.
Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes
Facilities Directorate
Milton Keynes Hospital
Standing Way
Milton Keynes
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Arts for Health Milton Keynes is the working name of MK Arts for Health charity number 1107625 company number 05137693